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1192. Critical Connections in a Network


There are n servers numbered from 0 to n - 1 connected by undirected server-to-server connections forming a network where connections[i] = [ai, bi] represents a connection between servers ai and bi. Any server can reach other servers directly or indirectly through the network.

A critical connection is a connection that, if removed, will make some servers unable to reach some other server.

Return all critical connections in the network in any order.


Example 1:

Input: n = 4, connections = [[0,1],[1,2],[2,0],[1,3]]
Output: [[1,3]]
Explanation: [[3,1]] is also accepted.

Example 2:

Input: n = 2, connections = [[0,1]]
Output: [[0,1]]



  • 2 <= n <= 105
  • n - 1 <= connections.length <= 105
  • 0 <= ai, bi <= n - 1
  • ai != bi
  • There are no repeated connections.



Solution: Biconnected Component

  • Time complexity: O(n + connections.length)
  • Space complexity: O(n + connections.length)



 * @param {number} n
 * @param {number[][]} connections
 * @return {number[][]}
const criticalConnections = function (n, connections) {
  const network = Array.from({ length: n }, () => []);

  for (const [a, b] of connections) {
  const times = Array.from({ length: n }, () => 0);
  const low = Array.from({ length: n }, () => 0);
  const result = [];
  let time = 1;

  const biconnectedComponent = (node, parent) => {
    times[node] = time;
    low[node] = time;
    time += 1;

    for (const next of network[node]) {
      if (!times[next]) {
        biconnectedComponent(next, node);
        low[node] = Math.min(low[node], low[next]);
      } else if (next !== parent) {
        low[node] = Math.min(low[node], times[next]);

      if (low[next] > times[node]) {
        result.push([node, next]);

  biconnectedComponent(0, -1);

  return result;

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