943. Find the Shortest Superstring
Given an array of strings words
, return the smallest string that contains each string in words
as a substring. If there are multiple valid strings of the smallest length, return any of them.
You may assume that no string in words
is a substring of another string in words
Example 1:
Input: words = ["alex","loves","leetcode"] Output: "alexlovesleetcode" Explanation: All permutations of "alex","loves","leetcode" would also be accepted.
Example 2:
Input: words = ["catg","ctaagt","gcta","ttca","atgcatc"] Output: "gctaagttcatgcatc"
1 <= words.length <= 12
1 <= words[i].length <= 20
consists of lowercase English letters.- All the strings of
are unique.
Solution: Dynamic Programming
- Time complexity: O(n * 2n)
- Space complexity: O(n * 2n)
* @param {string[]} words
* @return {string}
const shortestSuperstring = function (words) {
const n = words.length;
const costs = setupCosts(words, n);
const dp = initializeDP(words, n);
const parent = Array.from({length: 1 << n})
.map(_ => new Array(n).fill(-1));
setupCosts(words, n);
fillDPandParent(dp, parent, costs, n);
let result = '';
const dpBack = dp[(1 << n) - 1];
let a = dpBack.indexOf(Math.min(...dpBack));
let mask = (1 << n) - 1;
while (mask > 0) {
const index = parent[mask][a];
if (index === -1) {
result = words[a] + result;
} else {
result = words[a].slice(words[a].length - costs[index][a]) + result;
mask -= 1 << a;
a = index;
return result;
function setupCosts(words, n) {
const costs = new Array(n)
.map(_ => new Array(n).fill(0));
const getCost = (a, b) => {
const minLength = Math.min(a.length, b.length);
let cost = b.length;
for (let index = 1; index <= minLength; index++) {
if (a.slice(-index) !== b.slice(0, index)) continue;
cost = b.length - index;
return cost;
for (let a = 0; a < n; a++) {
for (let b = 0; b < n; b++) {
costs[a][b] = getCost(words[a], words[b]);
costs[b][a] = getCost(words[b], words[a]);
return costs;
function initializeDP(words, n) {
const dp = Array.from({length: 1 << n})
.map(() => new Array(n).fill(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER));
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
dp[1 << i][i] = words[i].length;
return dp;
function fillDPandParent(dp, parent, costs, n) {
for (let mask = 1; mask < 1 << n; mask++) {
for (let a = 0; a < n; a++) {
if ((mask & (1 << a)) === 0) continue;
for (let b = 0; b < n; b++) {
const cost = dp[mask - (1 << a)][b] + costs[b][a];
if (cost >= dp[mask][a]) continue;
dp[mask][a] = cost;
parent[mask][a] = b;