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1702. Maximum Binary String After Change


You are given a binary string binary consisting of only 0's or 1's. You can apply each of the following operations any number of times:

  • Operation 1: If the number contains the substring "00", you can replace it with "10".
    • For example, "00010" -> "10010"
  • Operation 2: If the number contains the substring "10", you can replace it with "01".
    • For example, "00010" -> "00001"

Return the maximum binary string you can obtain after any number of operations. Binary string x is greater than binary string y if x's decimal representation is greater than y's decimal representation.


Example 1:

Input: binary = "000110"
Output: "111011"
Explanation: A valid transformation sequence can be:
"000110" -> "000101" 
"000101" -> "100101" 
"100101" -> "110101" 
"110101" -> "110011" 
"110011" -> "111011"

Example 2:

Input: binary = "01"
Output: "01"
Explanation: "01" cannot be transformed any further.



  • 1 <= binary.length <= 105
  • binary consist of '0' and '1'.



Solution: Greedy

  • Time complexity: O(n)
  • Space complexity: O(n)



 * @param {string} binary
 * @return {string}
const maximumBinaryString = function (binary) {
  const splitBinary = binary.split('');
  let zero = (start = 0);

  for (const [index, str] of binary.entries()) {

    if (str === '0') zero += 1;
    if (!zero && str === '1') start += 1;
    splitBinary[index] = '1';
  if (zero) splitBinary[start + zero - 1] = '0';

  return splitBinary.join('');

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